Nothing should get in the way of starting or expanding your family.


Michele Katz is here to answer any questions about family planning and to encourage you to see adoption as a viable option.

With a goal to save 2.5 million children (a number represented by the amount of children lost during the Holocaust and the Jewish credence of β€˜saving a child is saving the world’), Michele is here to change your mindset when it comes to adoption. Often seen as a last resort, adoption is a viable option that should be considered for all those seeking to expand their family.

In this podcast, Michele sits down with parents who have adopted or are in the middle of the adoption process, adults who were raised by adoptive parents and experts in the family planning world to give us a 360 view of the experience of adoption.

By bringing adoption into the mainstream, Michele is here to let you know that nothing should get in the way of starting or expanding your family. 

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